Friday, September 13, 2013

Ever Notice

OK, so I have been thinking about a blog about politics for some time now. Not sure exactly what I'll do with this, but the price is right to start.
Ever notice how most tea party rallies seems to feature those overweight, white, older folks? Well I have a new theory called the "Tea Party Discount".
It goes like this:
Most of these folks have a government pension or are retired military something like that. They've all benefited from a robust government sector wether thru education, direct government jobs or maybe nice roads for their trucking company or customers of their car dealership. They have "paid in" and want to be literally fat and happy in their government funded retirement.
Now some folks move to Mexico, Panama or Costa Rica in pursuit of the good life on the cheap. but when to need frequent checkups for your diabetes, can't leave your guns behind and hate foreigners you're a bit screwed.

What's an American Freedom lover to do? Turn the US into that very third would country you're looking so hard for, but doesn't exist; YET! Deny affordable healthcare to anyone under 65, demand wages stay low and tell anyone that wants to cut your lunch they're just jealous.
I used to blame this on simple hypocrisy, but am beginning notice its more than that.
I recently quoted a job for one of these free wheelin' Social Security lovin' Libertarian Tea Party types. Even though my price was good for quality skilled labor, I failed to include the TEA party discount. You see, I should be willing to work for next to nothing simply for the fulfillment of a hard days work whilst he kicks back and collects his government checks. He's earned it and the cheaper a paralyzed government allows wages to slide; the better off he'll be. Say Hola to Estados Unitos.

Now, nothing wronging with a secure retirement; just don't throw the rest of us under the bus to keep that early bird special $4.99. Remember who's going to be pulling the plug someday.

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